Undiagnosed learning differences in American schools remain a significant obstacle to student success. Findings from a recent study of 260 undergraduates at a large public university shed light on the scope of the problem: Despite meeting the university’s criteria for special services, only 19% of students reported receiving any accommodation in high school. Other studies of American high school and college students have comparable results. More research is necessary to find out if there is a substantial link between undiagnosed learning differences and higher rates of dropping out in high school and college.
Below is a link to a February 2020 publication from the U.S. Department of Justice that provides standards and documentation guidance for ADA-based testing accommodations. Some of the exams covered include high school equivalency, entrance exams, college entrance exams (ACT and SAT), professional school entrance exams (LSAT, MCAT, GRE, and GMAT), trade licensing exams (cosmetology), and professional licensing exams (state bar exams, medical licensing, and psychology licensing).